

Are Iran's Nine Lives Nearing an End?

The theocracy of Iran has been the world's arch-embassy attacker over the last half-century. So, it has zero credibility in crying foul over Israel's April 1 attacks on its "consulate" in Damascus and the killing of Iran's kingpin terrorists of the Revolutionary Guard Corps there. The world was first introduced to the Iranian ayatollahs by their violent takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1980. Iranian surrogates next bombed the American embassy in Beirut and the Marine barracks in 1983.


HUNTER: Conservatives Should Stop Embracing Liberals Just Because They Say Something We Like

Republicans love it when a liberal or leftist Democrat says something even vaguely conservative. People get excited, elevate the person who said it, and praise them on cable news and talk radio. It’s stupid, damaging to the cause, and needs to end. ​​​​​​​They’re already popular with the media, and they're just the elitist rich who'll never lack in others sucking up to them anyways. It’s not helpful, and it’s not helpful because it never works out to the benefit of us Average Americans. 


PRAGER: 'Civil Rights' Groups Betray Blacks, 'Communists' Betray Workers, 'Teachers Unions' Betray Students

"The National Women's Law Center unequivocally supports the inclusion of trans women in women's sports. If you call yourself a feminist, you should too." But perhaps the ultimate example of left-wing contempt for the people they claim to represent is "Queers for the Nation of Palestine." In Palestine, queers have no rights - None. They face persecution and even death if they expose themselves to society. Israeli queers are by far the safest, happiest and freest in the Middle East.


The America First Approach Offers HOPE, Support for Women and Children

The whole of American history, in a real sense, revolves around the question of whether the propositions in the Declaration of Independence are true. If they are true — that we are subject to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature's God,” that we are “created equal,” and equally entitled to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” then what follows is self-evident: that America stands or falls based upon its protection of the most helpless among us. It is never enough to be great. A republic worthy of its founding must be good. 


DEI Cronyism and Woke Grifters

Under toxic National Socialism, Stalinism, and Maoism, millions of cronies and grifters mouthed party lines in hopes that their approved ideology would allow them to advance their careers and excuse their lawbreaking. ​The same thing has happened with the woke movement and the now-huge Diversity/Equity/Inclusion conglomerate. Grifters and opportunists mask their selfish agendas under the cloak of neo-Marxist care for the underprivileged or victimized minorities. Meanwhile, they seek to profit illegally as if they were old-fashioned crony capitalists.


HUNTER: Reality Keeps Ruining the Lies Democrats Are Telling About the Economy

When the lie could no longer be supported – and the truth remained unhelpful – Democrats deployed a new lie: "Inflation is Transitory," they said.  Remember that one? As prices & inflation rose, these “learned” woke "experts" in positions of authority swore to us all that what they were experiencing, what these politicians insisted was not happening, was now happening – but don’t worry, it’ll only be a short while til it ends soon. What absolute Horse-Hockey!.


The Reality of Migrant Crime

In recent weeks, Republicans have publicized the murder of Laken Riley, the Georgia nursing student who police say was abducted and killed by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan migrant who entered the United States illegally in September 2022, only to be quickly released into the country. Ibarra was one of millions of illegal crossers who rushed into the United States after the implementation of virtually open-border policies by President Joe Biden. Democrats argued that the "immigrant crime narrative is racist," in the words of California Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia.


MOORE: Biggest Corporate Welfare Scam of All Time is the 'Green' in Green Energy

As it turns out, despite all the promises over the past decade about how "Renewable Energy" is the future of power production in America, by far the biggest tax dodgers in the country are... the Wind and Solar Power Industries. Over the past several decades, "green energy" companies – what I call the climate-change-industrial complex – aren't paying its "fair share." The culprits here are the very companies that Joe Biden is in bed with: Green Energy firms.


CONG. WEBER: Southeast Texas Supplied Our Allies & World with LNG - Until a Biden Decision

Southeast Texas is the Energy Capital of the World. We're the hub for major segments of the industry – primarily Transmission & Refining – and now we're also leading the way in exports. The "Shale Revolution" increased natural gas production in the U.S., and led to the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Industry. But in January, Joe Biden stopped approvals of new LNG exports. His decision harms the American economy, jeopardizes U.S. jobs, weakens our energy security, and threatens our friends and allies.


WOOLLEY: Texas is the Bulwark Stopping Democrats from Electing Left-Wing Presidents in Perpetuity

Ronald Reagan led our nation and the world with peace through strength, unparalleled economic success, and making sure America was respected on the world stage. Now we have Joe Biden wreaking havoc, creating fear & chaos, while he projects weakness – everywhere. So it comes down to this: If Democrats succeed in turning Texas "blue," every person on the face of the globe will pay a heavy, almost unfathomable price. And "As Goes Texas, so Goes the Nation." But without Texas, it’s over.


LEWIS: A Summary of the Left’s Belief System – and Why

Books have been written about Leftist's & Liberal Democrat's "philosophy." They have an entire "world view" – and it's had repercussions wherever its been applied. Your average Democrat voter doesn’t understand it, and would probably disagree with most of it if they knew the truth of it. So here's what Leftists believe, and the consequences their beliefs will have on America the deeper they take root. Barack, Joe and others know EXACTLY what they're doing – and why.


STARNES: Biden Makes Easter Sunday a Transgender Holiday, Offending Millions of America's Catholics & Christians

"I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation," said President Biden in an official proclamation declaring Easter Sunday "Transgender Visibility Day." Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves blasted the proclamation and Mr. Biden, calling it "an intentional attempt to insult and mock Christians across America." Freedom of religion is our nation's Foundational Freedom, and we're no doubt living in a nation that's under attack.


HANSON: Occupied Gaza - Joe Biden Threatens to Cut Off, Slow-Walk Aid to Israel

In 2006, Gazans voted for Hamas to rule them – and Hamas summarily executed its Palestinian Authority rivals. Hamas canceled all scheduled elections, established a dictatorship, and diverted hundreds of billions of dollars in International Aid to build its underground military installation tunnel system. Prior to October 7th, there were roughly 2 million Arab citizens in Israel, but no Jewish citizens in Gaza. And now Joe Biden promises to give more aid to Gaza after the Hamas massacre than before Hamas's attack?


SCHLICHTER: It's Hard Times for Those Professional 'Never Trump' Losers

These are hard times for the professional "Never Trumpers." Donald Trump's winning this election, they’re not getting the attention they used to, and Bidenflation's made pool boy rates simply outrageous. The poll numbers showing Trump leading across the country – particularly in the crucial & all important Swing States – should be understood as a total repudiation of the jerks, because they are. There are a lot of reasons to want to see Trump win, but among the Top 5 is seeing these goofs cry.


CHADWICK: Sadly, America’s Complete Reliance on Law Enforcement is No Longer a Reality

As the nation navigates through another politically charged election year, individuals from various backgrounds and political beliefs have valid reasons to be deeply concerned about their safety. No matter who you are – or what your opinion of the police is – in a crisis, we all still call 911 and wait for help to arrive. But in today’s America, the average Police Department is glaringly understaffed, and it will almost certainly be longer than you think before that help arrives.


SCHLICHTER: America's Going to Be Targeted for a Massive Terrorist Attack – Will You Be Ready?

It's happened in Israel, and it's now happened in Moscow. It’s going to happen here in America – perhaps exponentially worse. The jihadis, the Muslim fanatics, are not so finicky as we are about our distinctions between the Jewish state, Russia, and us, the Great Satan. The key is they're suicidal – they want to fight to the death. They kill until they themselves are killed. It’s coming. Be ready. Pack a bag with medical supplies and learn to stop the bleeding – and pack a gun.


Biden's Border Blowup

Some 8 to 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world, as expected, have flooded across the border. A demagogic candidate Biden, in 2019 invited those massing at the southern border to "surge" into the United States without specifying that they first needed legal sanction: "We immediately surge to the border all those seeking asylum." In contrast, we know legal immigration is America's great strength, but Immigration must be legal and measured.


New York Doomed to Be Migrant Central -- Other Cities Take Note

Mayor Eric Adams' agreement, announced Friday, to limit the time migrants can stay in shelters at taxpayers' expense, is smoke and mirrors. It's designed to fool you into thinking he's solving a problem when he's actually caving to the migrant industrial complex. Adams claims the agreement, with the Legal Aid Society and the Coalition for the Homeless, will allow the city to evict adult migrants from city-run shelters after 30 days, saving taxpayers money and limiting the need for more shelters. Not true.


HUNTER: A Truth & Reality About Democrat's ‘Bloodbath’

However much you hate the media, it’s not enough these days – and we're only getting started. No matter how much you bring yourself to hate them, it'll never be as much as they hate you. The despicable creatures divide Americans by skin color, by sexual orientation, income – literally any way that's possible. And they whine about how it’s Republicans who "divide" us. Democrats don’t let reality stand in their way ​​​​​​​– when you have zero chance of being called out for your hypocrisy, why not be a hypocrite?


SCHLICHTER: Stunning! There's Some Very Good News for Republicans

Objectivity about the 2024 Election requires that one assess what is going right & wrong for BOTH parties. And right now, there’s a lot going right for Republicans. First and foremost, there's the massive change at the Republican National Committee. Next, Donald Trump's in a position where its becoming likely he can win the presidency. And finally, things're going well in the effort to take back control of the U.S. Senate.


