

HUNTER: Watch Out if You See or Hear Someone Who Tells You How They’ll Never Lie to You

Maybe you too started off thinking politics was an area where the best & brightest went – where Ideas & Ideals mattered more than anything else. Then you started to pay closer attention, and realized no one is as pure as they claim to be. I thought for a few days about whether or not to write this, but I feel like I have to. It’ll probably make a lot of people angry.


The Ukrainian Gordian Knot

Most Americans understandably favor the Ukrainian resistance against Russian President Vladimir Putin's naked 2022 aggression. -- Yet for Ukraine to break the current deadlock -- our generation's Verdun with perhaps 600,000 combined casualties so far -- and "win" the war, it apparently must have the military wherewithal to hit targets inside Russia.


Our New Black Republican Leaders

Recently I wrote about Mesha Mainor, who represents a deep blue district in Atlanta in the Georgia state legislature, announcing that she is switching parties and becoming a Republican. -- Mainor specifically noted her frustration with the Democratic Party in its opposition to improving education through parental choice and ongoing Democratic weakness in building strong law enforcement.


THOMAS: Rupert Murdoch was Right from the Start

It may be coincidental, or not, that the announcement of Robert Murdoch's stepping down as Fox News Corp's chairman coincides with the release this week of the book "The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire," which predicts the end of the network. Fox's critics may wish so, but I'm doubtful. They've been predicting and hoping for Fox's demise since it was launched in 1996.


HUNTER: Joe Biden Hates You – Americans & Voters Should Return the Favor

President Joe Biden – you have to wonder if he does or says something because he’s a liar, or because he’s genuinely stupid. “Bidenomics” isn’t designed to make your life better – it makes you suffer, dependent, and look to the government for help. Now we have to add a 3rd option: Senile. Let's look at the safest bet here... it’s a combination of all three.


HARRIS: Democrat's Idea of 'Sanctuary Cities' Now Blame 'A Madman Down in Texas'?

There's a huge difference between true caring, and indignant self-righteousness. It's a fact many of the mayors of "Sanctuary Cities" across America are learning. Their once holier-than-thou attitudes have now dissipated into whining. Their smugness has been replaced with poor me syndrome. They are beginning to understand the full weight of the #BidenBorderCrisis.


PAVLICH: Biden Fights Censorship Abroad, Colludes With Big Tech to Censor Americans

For years the Biden White House has advocated for the censorship of online political speech it doesn’t like, and partnered with Big Tech to get the job done. U.S. District Court Judge Terry A. Doughty said this collusion was, “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” They got away with it, swiping factual stories about COVID-19, election integrity, Hunter Biden, and much more.


Bidenomics' Gaslighting Reveals POTUS's Impotence in Lead-Up to 2024

Last year, the U.S. economy formally entered a recession -- which, until 2022, when the Biden administration attempted to redefine the word, universally meant consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. Around the same time last year, annualized inflation on the consumer price index surpassed 9% -- the highest reading in four decades since the infamous "stagflation" of the Jimmy Carter era.


TIME: New Book on Biden Offers Ammo for Those Hoping He Sits 2024 Out

Franklin Foer’s just released book "The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden’s White House" reports how Mr. Biden seldom schedules meetings before 10 a.m. and how White House staff has scaled back its pace to accommodate his age. But in his analysis of the book, Time's Philip Elliott says "Foer has been open to the idea that Biden may ultimately step aside for a new ticket." So what does he mean exactly?


Trashing the Constitution Just to Get Trump

Anti-Trump groups determined to disqualify the leading Republican candidate for president are urging state election officials across the U.S. to remove Donald Trump from the ballot, claiming he's an "insurrectionist." They're citing an arcane clause in the 14th Amendment, written after the Civil War, that disqualifies anyone who "engaged in insurrection" against the United States from holding public office.


CHUMLEY: Biden, 77% of America Now Agrees, is Too Old to Be Re-Elected

According to a just-released Associated Press-NORC Center Survey, more than 7 in 10 Americans – 77% – now say Joe Biden is too old to effectively serve another term as president. That negative view of Biden’s age is held across all age groups – which is actually a good sign for America. This 77% may be the broad-based building block our nation needs to unite in the future.


HUNTER: Media & Biden Democrats are Dance Partners in the Dating & Mating Pool

There wasn’t a single member of the White House press corps in the Reagan, Bush or Trump eras who weren’t adversarial. That’s how it should be – yet there've been dozens of Hunter Biden revelations, with few questions and no follow-ups or independent investigations. No one's even asked why the President’s family set up more LLCs than most small towns have.


New Report Shows the Death of the ESG Movement was Started in Texas

For several years top Republican leaders – both here in Texas and across the nation – have urged businesses to move away from being so overtly focused on the so-called Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) topics. Now, a new report provides proof Wall Street firms are starting to change their behavior – and its no stretch to say these developments are something Texas’ Republican legislators can take credit for.


HANSON: Moving from One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

Joe Biden repeatedly lied when he said he knew nothing of son Hunter's influence-peddling businesses. He prevaricated that he had no involvement in Hunter's various shake-down schemes. And, the media continues to misinform by serially ignoring these facts. Had journalists just been honest and independent, then-candidate Joe Biden might have lost a presidential debate – and even the 2020 Election.


Republicans Running Against Trump Must Issue a Letter Defending Him Against Dems' Political Hit Job

Every Republican candidate running against Trump and every Republican leader should band together to sign a letter defending him against this persecution created solely to manipulate the outcome of a presidential election. 


McCAUGHEY: Blue City Blues of Coddling Criminals & Sanctuary City Disorder is... Destroying Them

Reality Check: The city is going from "The Big Apple" to "The Shrunken Apple." New York City is losing population massively – some 400,000 fled during 2020 and 2021 – and in 2022 Manhattan was the only borough that didn't lose population. Worse yet, 158 financial firms have moved their headquarters out of New York City since 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion in managed assets with them.


Selective Outrage Is a Real Outrage

When some monster goes out and kills people it’s a horrible tragedy, no doubt about it. Sadly, it happens all the time and has happened throughout all of human history, starting when Cain killed Abel. In other words, evil exists, always has, and there’s really nothing people can do to squash it. The best we can do is react to it while working to prevent more of its creation. But how we react to it is key, and very telling about some of our species and our politics. 


SCHLICHTER: This Political Prosecution Scheme is Going to Backfire – Hard

I know, I know – you can’t imagine that your decision to take out your political opponents by throwing them in jail will bite you in the Asa... This is now a country where we lock up political opponents. I just want to get that out there, and I want you to understand what has changed. And it’s inevitable that very soon, you’re going to realize that YOU are some people’s political opponents too.


The GOP Debate Proved Trump Is the Only Choice

On August 23rd, eight Republican candidates for the 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination took the debate stage to discuss various issues, policies, and cultural positions in trying to appeal to voters in the audience and at home. Vivek Ramaswamy stole the night, as his Trumpian positions on topics like foreign policy, economics, culture, and anti-establishment sentiment related to voters like no other candidate during the debate.


The Biden Clan's Con Is Coming To An End

If a cognitively and criminally challenged Biden cannot finish his term, we will finally learn the full story of 15 years of Biden family corruption. -- The Bidens will lose the only impediment -- Joe Biden's political machinations -- left in the way of an honest, full-blown felony investigation into what is likely the most corrupt presidential family in American history.


