State Rep. Tan Parker Talks: We Accomplished Things on Property Tax Relief Like Never Before This Session.

The focus was on fixing the Property Tax System for the citizens of Texas it was on addressing education funding in a multi-generational way and it was about passing a Conservative Budget that fixed School Finance.

AUSTIN Texas (Texas Insider Report) The fact that we provided $5.1 billion dollars in Property Tax Relief along with the long-term reforms thatll slow property tax increases going forward we think that will make a real difference and will help the people of Texas whore paying the bills and who continue to keep the economic miracle thats happening in Texas alive and well" State Rep. Tan Parker told Insiders Jim Cardle.


And let me also say… I really shouldnt call it a miracle because the reality is its been deliberate policy on the part of the Texas legislature thats given us the tremendous economic situation that were in today.

At the end of the day its the public education system in Texas thats made our state great. And to strengthen that to invest in that we accomplished things like never before this 2019 Session said Parker one of the Texas Houses most conservative leaders in a wide-ranging interview.

Remember the only thing we have to do during the 140-day Session is pass a State Budget said Parker. So based on the wide-spread support for what we accomplished in both the Texas House and the Texas Senate I think we addressed the needs of Texas voters we addressed the priorities of Texas and that included putting $6.5 billion dollars into reforming Texas Education finance which was very very important for us to do.

We provided $5.1 billion dollars in Property Tax Relief for the people of Texas and if you look at the key elements of what we did with a sound and responsible budget I think thats the reason my colleagues and I felt like we were so successful this session... especially in providing Property Tax Relief for the voters of Texas this session" Parker said.

It was about K-thru-12 it was about higher education and it was about workforce development as well. All of those are critically important for us to invest in as a state.

So the focus this session was clearly on addressing education in a multi-generational way which we did it was about passing a conservative budget and fixing school finance fixing property taxes for the citizens of Texas and it was about providing real relief for the people of Texas from a property tax perspective" Parker said.

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