“Cruz racked up an overwhelmingly bipartisan 88-4 win for his bill. That’s the type of accomplishment usually reserved for the lions of the Senate…”
Texas Insider Report: (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee, was given high marks by his Senate colleagues, critics, and analysts in several media outlets for his role in leading the passage of the bipartisan FAA Reauthorization Bill, which delivered numerous victories for the people of Texas, including expanded flight service from San Antonio to Washington, D.C.
From The Washington Post: An unexpected sight to behold: Ted Cruz working bipartisan deals

“Cruz racked up an overwhelmingly bipartisan 88-4 win for his bill. That’s the type of accomplishment usually reserved for the lions of the Senate…”
“‘I think it’s been helpful,’ Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) said. … In recent days, Cruz — the ranking Republican of the Commerce Committee — talked about his partnership with the chair, Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), in working behind the scenes to essentially adopt about 200 amendments from dozens of senators to put into the underlying legislation.”
“On the final vote, every GOP senator present cast their vote with Cruz.”
“In 2021, during the debate on a massive infrastructure bill … Cruz worked with Sen. Raphael G. Warnock (D-Ga.) to get a specific highway designation that would help connect military bases and rural communities along the proposed Interstate 14 corridor from Georgia through Texas.”
“A longtime resident of the Houston area, Cruz sounds downright giddy whenever he has the chance to boost NASA and its projects, which fall under the oversight of his committee.”
“‘When negotiating with other senators, I try to be transparent, honest, flexible and transactional,’ he said in his statement to The Post.”
From Spectrum News: Sen. Ted Cruz takes bipartisan role in shepherding FAA bill

“Cruz, the top Republican on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, pushed for quick passage of the FAA reauthorization bill, which addresses the safety and efficiency of air travel amid heightened scrutiny of the industry. The Senate ended up passing the legislation, despite some logjams over amendments.”

“In recent months a far different side of the Texas Republican has been in evidence as he held together the bipartisan coalition necessary to usher through renewal of federal regulation of the airline industry.”
“Cruz played a key role in shaping the reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, a must-pass measure which has broad impact for travelers and the aviation industry.”

“He spoke repeatedly and at length to members of the press as he made his way around the Capitol this week providing updates on negotiations and touting the bipartisanship and compromise that built the bill.”
“‘It’s been fantastic — I love it,’ Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, said of watching Mr. Cruz manage the bill. ‘He’s done a pretty good job as far as I can tell.’”
“Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said with a smile that he was ‘rejoicing the fact that he rose to the occasion, got the bill across the line, did a good job.’”
From The Hill: GOP senators amused as Ted Cruz seeks to move bill: ‘The foot’s on the other hand’

“ Senate GOP leaders … concede that he has carried a lot of weight on the FAA front.”
“Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) … [hailed] Cruz for ‘handling a difficult bill with a lot of moving parts.’”
Sen. Cruz is the Ranking Member of the Senate's Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee,