Trump says Baltimores Black Voters are Calling White House Thanking Him

The ones who like it the best what Im doing are African-American voters."

WASHINGTON D.C. (Texas Insider Report) Those people are living in hell in Baltimore. They really appreciate what Im doing. They are happy as hell. I know theyre so happy because Im getting the calls from them. Theyve been calling me and saying finally somebody is telling the truth" President Donald Trump told reporters Tuesday.

Baltimore has been very badly mishandled for many years.

width=315The African-American community is so thankful for what Ive been doing" Mr. Trump said asserting that Baltimores Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings had an iron" grip on his district.

President Trump said Tuesday that grateful" blacks in Baltimore are calling the White House to thank him for exposing corruption by their elected city officials including Democrat Cong. Cummings.

He criticized again what he said was rampant corruption in the city saying all that money that has been spent over 20 years has been stolen and wasted by people like Elijah Cummings."

President Trump is in a continueing feud with Mr. Cummings chairman of the House Oversight & Reform Committee whose district includes much of Baltimore.

The president called it a rat and rodent infested mess" last weekend renewing accusations of racism from Democrats such as the Rev. Al Sharpton.

I am the least racist person in the world" the president said.Of Mr. Sharpton the president said He is a racist."

width=261The president said he believes his feud with Cong. Cummings (at right) is helping his efforts to focus on the issues most Americans want Congress to be focusing on adding that voters like him calling attention to corruption.

The ones who like it the best what Im doing are African-American voters" Mr. Trump said.

In the past weeks Mr. Cummings angered the president by verbally attacking Mr. Trumps Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan in a hearing on conditions at Border Detention Facilities.

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