On the AP and NBCs Premature Call that Clinton Was the Nominee: A Latina Jounalists Damning Response

ClintonHillaryClinchesNominationAPsEarlyCountI am pissed off... The rush of the AP & NBC to finish a survey of superdelegates hours before millions of people vote in several states is part of the reason people hate the media. Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C.  In response to an Associated Press tweet and subsequent weekend stories that called the Democratic race for Hillary Clinton days before several Democratic primaries (including California) had taken place (inspiring a new #APRetract hashtag) we wanted to take a moment to share one of the best responses about the unprecedented move by AP NBC and others.   Veteran Latina journalist Pilar Marrero summed up the unprecedented Associated Press & NBC move as follows:
The rush of the AP & NBC to finish a survey of superdelegates hours before millions of people vote in several states is part of the reason people hate the media. And today I am hating us too because this MarreroPilarVeteranLatinaJournalistwas completely unnecessary said veteran Latina journalist Pilar Marrero in a public Facebook post. They have no idea how this may affect the system different races up and down the ballot peoples trust in media and the democratic system. We are in this kind of campaign today because the media & politicians have played to their advantage without any concern for the people the country or the system of democracy.
No one has summed up the problem quite as well as Marrero. Read on to learn more.      
I am pissed at my colleagues that think gaining a few hours in the reporting of what was going to be reported tomorrow anyway makes them somehow better as journalists or media outlets continued Marrero. Im actually pretty disgusted by it because THIS PARTICULAR YEAR in the MOOD THE PUBLIC IS IN its particularly irresponsible to rush this virtual voting" by superdelegates so you AP and you NBC can say that YOU reported first that Clinton is the presumptive nominee" There. I think I have stayed in this profession way too long.
Boom. For the record superdelegates dont vote until late July. As Heavy says about the Associated Presss unprecedented move:
hillary-bernie-DelegatesThe only problem is that they are counting superdelegates who dont vote until the Democratic National Convention. Some of the superdelegates in California have said that if Bernie Sanders wins they may switch to endorsing him. In fact according to Politico Sanders has been attracting more and more superdelegates. This doesnt mean that Sanders has an easy path. He has a very difficult path and would have to win by a large margin in California on Tuesday in order to get close enough to Clintons pledged delegate count to make a case in the Democratic National Convention. But his doing this is still possible not an impossibility. Heres a look at the delegates before the Puerto Rico primary: As of June 6 Clinton had 1812 pledged delegates and Sanders had 1521. In order to get the nomination through pledged delegates only either candidate would need 2383 delegates. Clinton would have to pick up 571 in order to clinch the nomination" before the California primary. Puerto Rico didnt win her the nomination because there were only 60 delegates at stake.  Sources like AP are counting superdelegates among these but as Heavy has reported before superdelegates can change their minds.
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