Heroes Lodge: Remember Our Fallen Heroes

Heroes Lodge Project modernizes the way Veterans receive assistance with housing counseling and employment services. By Phillip GutierresCommander-Phillip Heroes Lodge Program Manager & CEO Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas The Texas insider in observation of Memorial Day is asking you to support this new Austin Veterans Program. Heroes Lodge Project is a Texas 501(c)3 non-profit in partnership with the American GI Forum of Austin a chapter of the American GI Forum of Texas - Chartered by Congress and celebrating 68 years of service for our Veterans and families. The American GI Forum (AGIF) was founded on March 26 1948 in Corpus Christi Texas by Dr. Hector Perez Garcia an Army Heroes.Lodge.Logo-2Veteran medical doctor. Dr. Garcia returned from World War II eager to participate in the American Dream. Through it he helped break down many of the barriers Veterans faced in a country that embraced the principles of freedom and justice but only offered them to a select few. Today those problems still exist and continue to be experienced by almost all Veterans. In 1972 Garcia saw the need to help the returning Vietnam Veterans so the AGIF founded the National Veterans Outreach Program (NVOP) with a grant from Department of Labor (DOL). The grant was a pilot program that would address the needs of returning Vietnam Veterans and was originally based out of Denver CO with affiliates in about 12 states including Texas.  Funding changed with the introduction of JPTA by Congress and funding became localize with distribution of funds through County Assistance Programs. MarinesThe NVOP is now based in San Antonio and has expanded services to become the premier Veterans service provider and a model for homeless Veterans according to the VA. The NVOP offers assistance to all Veterans in need the homeless and their families. Funding is obtained through Federal Agencies State and local programs and private donors. The NVOP a 501(c)3 non-profit is governed by a National Board that helps facilitate solicitation and advocate for funds from DOL VA and other partnerships. The need to expand has come again. Heroes Lodge Project modernizes the way Veterans receive assistance with housing counseling and employment services. With the help of our local communities sponsoring organizations and the hard work of members and staff the mission set forth for Heroes Lodge is similar to the one set forth on March 26 1948 to assist Veterans and their families in need. To commemorate Memorial Day and honor those brave men and women who served and gave the ultimate we have put together this video. Please remember our fallen and assist those brave men and women whose service keeps us free. For more information visit www.heroeslodge.org and www.agiftx.org.
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