CONG. SESSIONS: Federal Funding Secured for Baylor University

These funds will allow researchers at Baylor’s MTAC to acquire an X-ray diffraction system and a Flash Thermographer testing system.

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – "This will support research not only at Baylor University, but will also provide for engagement with the local educational research and industrial partnerships,said Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-17,) announcing that the Materials Equipment Infrastructure Expansion for Baylor University's Materials Science & Engineering Program received federal funding under the Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024.

Congressman Sessions was the sponsor of this Congressional Community Project.

These funds will support acquisition of materials testing and characterization equipment for installation at the Baylor Materials Testing and Characterization Core Facility (MTAC), allowing for the development of new avenues of measurement science, measurement standards and measurement technology at Baylor University.

These materials will enhance research to inspect a variety of cutting-edge material structures impacting the aerospace, automotive, boating, and other high technology fields.
“As the lead sponsor in the House of Representatives, I am proud to have played a pivotal role in achieving funding to improve the scientific endeavors of Baylor University.

"These funds will allow researchers at Baylor’s MTAC to acquire an X-ray diffraction system and a Flash Thermographer testing system," Sessions said.

“We appreciate the hard work of Congressman Sessions and his staff in supporting the impactful research being conducted at Baylor University as a Research 1 institution,” said Provost Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D.

“The field of materials science is advancing exponentially, and it is important for our state and country to remain at the forefront,” Brickhouse said.


