Congressman Arrington: West Texas Wrap-up

Congressman Jodey Arrington

"I will not tie the hands of law enforcement, defund or federalize the police, nor will I penalize the vast majority of honorable officers because of a small percentage of bad cops and isolated incidents."

Supporting Our Law Enforcement and Opposing a Federalization of Policing
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – The recent stabbing of two Lubbock County Sheriff deputies was a tragic reminder of the dangerous situations men and women in law enforcement encounter on a daily basis. We can’t hamstring our police while defending themselves against dangerous criminals and protecting law abiding citizens.

I will not tie the hands of law enforcement, defund or federalize the police, nor will I penalize the vast majority of honorable officers because of a small percentage of bad cops and isolated incidents. I ask the Lubbock community to join me in praying for these deputies and their families.

That is one of the many reasons why I voted against the Democrats’ top down, one size fits all proposal to federalize policing.

There is no question that there are bad cops. However, we can’t allow an anomaly to define the entire profession. And we certainly shouldn’t be making rules based off the exception.
To hear my full floor speech opposing Speaker Pelosi's police reform bill, click here or the video below.

We Must Not Tolerate Crime
Earlier this year I gave a virtual tour of some of our most treasured monuments and memorials. I never imagined opportunistic criminals would deface and attempt to destroy these renowned symbols of American history. We encourage what we tolerate. And we can no longer tolerate this criminal activity.  We must arrest and prosecute! 

Managing COVID-19
Federalism is one of the great strengths of this country and that holds true during this time of crisis. The federal government has a very narrow, specific, and limited role. The rest should be deferred to the states and local governments.To hear more of my thoughts, click here or the image below for my interview with Matt Martin on KFYO.

Tackling the Debt
Trying to get in front of the burgeoning debt crisis is U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Lubbock, who has been at work gathering bipartisan support for addressing debt, which he and others want to see included in the next relief bill. “If you wait until you have a sovereign debt crisis, it’s too late,” Arrington warned. “And nobody knows when it’s going to happen, but they know we’re dangerously teetering on it.” Read more from the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal by clicking here or the preview below.
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