Brady, McCarthy, House Republican Committee Leaders Introduce the Commitment to Defeat the Virus and Keep America Healthy Act

"Defeating Covid-19 means investing in healthy families and safe workplaces, and becoming medically independent from China."

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. — The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC), Energy and Commerce Republican Leader Greg Walden (R-OR), and Appropriations Republican Leader Kay Granger (R-TX) in introducing H.R. 14, the Commitment to Defeat the Virus and Keep America Healthy Act.

Upon introduction the bill, Rep. Brady released the following statement:
“Defeating Covid-19 means investing in healthy families and safe workplaces, and becoming medically independent from China.

"Through tax incentives we expand access to affordable, quality health care, help businesses create safe workplaces for their employees and customers, and reward businesses for producing crucial medicines and medical supplies here in America rather than in China.

"While Democrats sabotage the economy and deny crucial Covid aid ahead of the election. Republicans are focused on accelerating treatments and cures, helping families and reconnecting workers with their jobs.”  

Key Points: 
  • Unlike Speaker Pelosi’s massive bill, H.R. 14 is a serious, targeted proposal that builds off the lessons learned during the pandemic and ensures future preparedness, as well as addresses immediate needs on testing and vaccine distribution. 
  • This is not a partisan wishlist like we’ve seen from House Democrats; this legislation is made up of bipartisan proposals that could and would actually become law.
  • Innovation is what will help us defeat COVID-19 and Republicans have shown time and time again we are serious about supporting and protecting innovation across our health care system.
  • This proposal ensures Americans, especially seniors, can access the care they need – whether it be mental health or telehealth services.
  • This bill includes commonsense polices to help families that are struggling with child care and health care costs by expanding access to tax-free spending and saving for these needs.
  • This bill builds on the work done by the administration to strengthen our Strategic National Stockpile so we can better respond to COVID-19 and future public health emergencies.
  • We’ve seen the impact over reliance on foreign countries like China can have, especially during a public health emergency, and this legislation would strengthen critical domestic health care supply chains.
CLICK HERE for a section-by-section breakdown of the bill.

CLICK HERE to view the bill text.

