Another Poll Confirms – 90% of Voters Are Worried About Inflation & Their Economic Future

For 38 consecutive weeks running, a majority of voters say the Country is on the "Wrong Track"

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Another new survey – this one by Politico-Morning Consult of "Registered U.S. Voters" – shows that more than 90% of Americans are worried about the U.S. economy and inflation, including 71% of voters who said they are “very concerned” about the escalating rate of inflation, which is 5% higher than August’s concerns about rising inflation.

The poll revealed that 70% of voters believe the United States is heading down the "Wrong Track," continuing a 38 consecutive weeks trend in which a majority of voters polled said the were feeling that way.

After more than a year of rising inflation under President Joe Biden's White House and Democrat's control of Congress, when it comes to voting in the coming weeks:
  • More than 80% said the economy would play "a significant or major role" in deciding who to vote for.
    • 3-out-of-4 Democrats, about 75%, said it would be a "major factor" in their decision making process, and
    • 90% of Republicans said it would play a "major factor" in their vote. 
  • 42% of Americans responded that issues such as U.S. Economic Decline – which includes Jobs, Taxes & Unemployment – were their "top priority" when deciding who to vote for.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measurement of inflation reached near 40-year highs in September, which is a key metric that measures inflation. Another metric, the Producer Price Index, rose to 8.5% year-over-year compared to the CPI’s 8.3% increase.

The poll also comes as CEOs and numerous business forecasting organizations continue to say a recession is already upon us.

A recent survey of the nation's leading CEOs showed that 98% believed a recession would occur in the coming 12 to 18 months.

The Politico-Morning Consult Poll, which surveyed 2,005 "Registered Voters" was conducted Oct. 14th-16th. The margin of error is plus-or-minus 2%.


